Quality politics

MACLA considers Quality in the manufacture of parts and in the service to Clients as a strategic element and as a guarantee of the establishment of the competitive advantages necessary for their survival and prosperity.

In order to achieve a differentiation by quality, innovation in the development of parts, manufacturing technology and direct and personal advice to Clients are established as priorities.

An adequate Quality Management system provides the possibility of achieving a high degree of reliability in the production of the pieces and in the organization of the work, which facilitates the achievement of Quality Objectives that must be consistent with the MACLA strategy, with the achievement of competitive products and with the safety and health standards in the procedures.

Said Goals must be possible, motivating, known and assumed by the entire organization, so that a participatory climate is created that leads to their achievement.

The objectives and lines of action are established annually, in MACLA's Planning, and are periodically reviewed throughout the year.

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Quality certificates in pdf format